You're in a fortunate position where you have the money, and time, to purchase and use a vacation home. It's your goal to buy a home that increases your net worth along with becoming a source of income. You want to rent it out when you're not there, so you can have an...
Month: June 2018
Negotiating can help you minimize rental costs
If you have decided to rent a property, you know that a strong economy and fewer homes on the market mean that demand is high and supply is low. That means it's more likely you will face rent increases in the near future.Fortunately, there are some ways you can...
Dealing with defects in real estate transactions
Real estate transactions can be tricky, and there's always a potential to find out that the home you purchased was not what you expected. Today, people can avoid trouble from purchases by opting for agreements in which they have an opportunity to have an inspection...
Does the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act change investing strategies?
With new tax laws emerging, more people are asking if real estate investing should also change. Investment strategies often consider tax laws, and with changing tax laws, it can be hard to know what exactly you need to do to keep your investments safe.The Tax Cuts and...
What should you think about when choosing a retail location?
If you're trying to choose a retail store location, it's a good idea to think about a few different things. You should consider your preferred customer base. Will the store be convenient to your target customers, and will the store's exterior and interior be visually...
3 reasons to survey your property
Most people think they know where their front and back yards begin and end. Most people think they know who is allowed to enter and exit their property lawfully. The problem is, they might not be correct if they haven't had a surveyor professionally survey their...
Are you stuck in a commercial lease?
There's nothing worse than being stuck in a commercial lease for an unprofitable business that isn't generating enough income to pay the bills. If you're in a situation like this, the future of your business could depend on your getting out of your commercial...
Will homes near public transportation decline in value in Denver?
Have you ever noticed that homes close to the Denver Light Rail system are more expensive than other residences? Being close to a public transportation point is valuable due to the convenience and money-saving aspects of having easy access to public transport. It just...
What is subrogation in real estate?
Leasing and owning real estate is a complicated matter, one that may quickly prove disastrous if all parties involved do not carefully look over the relevant contracts before leasing or selling property. Should a contract fail to offer the proper protections to either...
How to prevent a commercial lease dispute
A commercial lease dispute could have a serious impact on the profitability of your business. Whether you're the property owner or manager, or the commercial tenant, it is important to avoid costly disputes by conducting thorough planning and due diligence prior to...